Dieting Makes You Fatter

Dieting done the easy way

Psychologically and behaviourally, write Avena and Talbott, it is much easier to enact small changes over time than to try to “jump start” our eating habits. They cite a study that compared a 20-week diet with the same programme implemented gradually, over 40 weeks. People in the 40-week group lost more weight and were betterable to maintain their weight loss over time. They point out that if you try to teach a dog a three-staged trick in one go: “Learning might never occur.” Whereas if you teach step one first, and then start rewarding the poor mutt only after it has completed two stages, and then finally reward it only for doing all three actions in order, the dog will learn the trick without getting confused or overwhelmed.
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Wow, Tech Nerds Take Dieting Really Seriously

Of course there are the likes of Diet Chef and Saints & Slimmers which is pre-packaged food that you can usually buy in a months supply, but we really champion the fresh stuff. The food plans you eat and feel better with. Balance Box is one of these delivery systems. Bought in three-day bulks the food is delivered all wrapped individually and labelled accordingly so you know what you’re eating and when you’re eating it.
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Think you’re a dieting pro because you’ve tried everything from Atkins to Weight Watchers? Think again, because no matter how many pounds you’ve lost in your life, tech people are probably better at it than you. That’s just their way! How else would they be garcinia cambogia dr oz at the tippy top of the meritocracy that is Silicon Valley?New York Mag got in touch with a few of them to see how they do it and share their techniques with the rest of us plebes. Hint: they don’t call it dieting.
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